First priority will be given to siblings of current Good Shepherd students.
(Preschool through 8th Grade)
Second priority will be given to active, registered parishioners in good standing* of Good Shepherd Catholic Church.
Third priority will be given to Catholic families registered and active in other parishes** and non-active, registered parishioners of Good Shepherd Catholic Church.
Fourth priority will be given to all other families.
Students entering preschool must be 3 years old on or before October 1st, and may not attend school until they have turned 3. All preschoolers must be toilet trained.
*An active parishioner in good standing is defined as one who:
- Chooses Good Shepherd Parish as the center of their family worship and participates in the weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist, the sacramental life of the Church, the educational and social, and outreach ministries of the parish. This choice is reflected by being a registered member of the parish for at least six (6) months prior to school registration, active in parish life during that time or has been registered in a previous Catholic parish within the last 6-12 months and has recently joined Good Shepherd Parish. A letter from the previous parish will be required.
- Completes a yearly parish Stewardship Commitment Card and is faithful to that commitment through the Parish Envelope Program or Parish Pay (electronic giving). The regular, sacrificial financial support of the parish is key to the success of the parish and the school.
- Is deemed by the pastor as actively participating in the life of the parish – mass attendance, volunteer work in the school and parish ministries.
**Families who are actively involved and registered in other parishes will be assisted in completing special forms from their parish of choice. These forms will be required yearly at the time or registration.
Please note:
- Children/grandchildren of full-time faculty and staff of Good Shepherd Parish receive preferential placement on a first space available basis.
2. The Administration has final decision making authority with respect to admissions decisions.
Revised 9.15.22